General Information

General Information

How to bus to CBD: 5 minutes walk to bus stop at Labouchere Road, catch bus 30 or 31, fare approximately $3.00. About 15 minutes bus ride.
Bus/Ferry to CBD: catch bus 30 or 31, stop near Mends Street, 5 minute walk along Mends Street to ferry terminal, ferry to Perth CBD. Ferry ride is approximately 20 minutes.
Car and Ferry to CBD: FEE parking at South Shore Centre on the corner of Mends Street and South Perth Esplanade, catch Ferry from terminal. Ferry fare is approximately $3.00
Taxi fare to CBD: Approximately $20.00
In Perth, one is usually unable to hail taxi, all pickups are done by calling the taxi company. There are taxi ranks in the Perth CBD, Casino, Airport and major shopping centres, in most cases a call to the taxi company for a pick up is the only option.
Bus to Curtin University: 5 minutes walk to Labouchere Road bus stop between Labouchere Road and Eric Street, catch bus 30, takes approximately 15 minutes.
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